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2016 Electoral College Worked as Designed

In the 2016 Election, the Electoral College worked exactly as it was designed. It balanced the interests of the large coastal, consumer-driven cities -- for example Los Angeles and New York -- with the interests of the smaller, producer cities and rural farming and industrial populations The Founding Fathers believed the job of electing a President was too important to be left to the people. Both under the original Constitution and the 12th Amendment, that task was delegated to states – not the citizenry. The Electoral College reflects the popular will of voters state by state -- not across state lines.

2021-02-01T11:10:21+00:00December 6th, 2016|2 Comments

Main Stream Media Needs Reform After 2016 Election Debacle

It is the job of the media to inform the electorate not to inflame or manipulate it. America needs a free, independent, unbiased press corps more today than ever before. If we can't trust our politicians – then we must be able to trust our press to be the ever vigilant guardians of our freedom. American democracy doesn't work without an inquiring press.

2021-02-01T16:10:31+00:00November 22nd, 2016|Comments Off on Main Stream Media Needs Reform After 2016 Election Debacle

Born After 1950? Counting on Social Security OR IRA Retirement Savings? Think Again!

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projects National Debt will rise to at least 110 percent of GDP by 2036. Before the United States reaches the 100 percent Debt to GDP threshold, no investor, foreign or domestic, will be willing or able to purchase our debt at any interest rate. The combination of political and social instability will swallow everything – including your savings. And yet, unlike Barack Obama, neither Hillary Clinton nor Donald Trump have focused on the rising ratio of Debt to GDP or the risk it presents. No more credit card shopping for Congress and the American people. We can't pay the bill!

2021-02-01T12:22:00+00:00September 7th, 2016|Comments Off on Born After 1950? Counting on Social Security OR IRA Retirement Savings? Think Again!