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California Water Crisis Is Man-Made

Drought is a cyclical natural event. Despite our best efforts, mankind has not been able to master “mother-nature”. The adverse effects of rain and snow, wind, earthquakes are not preventable – all we can do is try to mitigate the impacts. The statewide water crisis is man-made and it has many owners

2021-02-01T12:28:51+00:00February 12th, 2014|Comments Off on California Water Crisis Is Man-Made

After Prop 30 – The Joke Is On California Parents & Students

The State Legislature and the Governor have banded together to do a favor for the California Teachers Association (CTA). The Governor is expected to sign legislation that would end student performance testing - no academic achievement testing (API) and no school performance evaluations.

2021-02-01T11:25:04+00:00September 24th, 2013|Comments Off on After Prop 30 – The Joke Is On California Parents & Students

Shocking – California Teacher Training Flunks National Reviews

Governor Brown stands at a crossroads. Will he challenge the “education establishment” to “step up”? Or will he continue to support the “experts” -- his powerful political ally, the California Teachers Association – allowing our children to remain ranked 44th of 50?

2021-02-01T15:59:32+00:00August 5th, 2013|Comments Off on Shocking – California Teacher Training Flunks National Reviews